
Tips for Storing Ice Cream This Summer

Sure seems like we’re getting very close to the glorious summer season, and we don’t know about you- but we couldn’t be more excited!

With the summer comes all sorts of seasonal treats – barbecue, fresh berries and ICE CREAM.

We’re a huge fan of this sugary treat and typically have a few pints (at least) in our freezer.

There’s nothing worse than when you’re craving a scoop or two after dinner, you go to serve yourself some and… there’s a line of ice crystals lining the top. Major bummer.

According to some chefs and ice cream experts, this is usually a sign that the ice cream is past its prime and has depreciated in quality. Worse case scenario – it’s expired and could make you sick. Yikes!

Never fear! There are ways to avoid this! We’ve got a ton of tips and tricks for you to store ice cream like a pro. Follow these and you’ll be well on your way to keeping your ice treats as delicious as possible. 🙂

Winter is Coming

The key to your ice cream’s longevity is keeping it COLD. As cold as your freezer can go. Like… Winterfell cold. (Any GoT fans out there?!)

Brands like Ben & Jerry’s have freezers that are cold enough to keep ice cream fresh for years. However, you can do just fine without this amount of freezer power. Just try to keep your pint as cold as possible. Lower that temperature as much as possible and place them all the way at the back.

Avoid Drafts!

In any given household, odds are the freezer door opens and shuts at least a few times a day, if not more.

All of those temperature fluctuations, though, are harsh on your ice cream. It’s the most susceptible to losing quality and freshness with the influx of hot air – so store it at the very back to avoid this. Or better yet, store in a freezer that you don’t open a lot, if you have access to this!

Cap it Up!

Make sure that cap is solidly ON when you put that ice cream back in the freezer. You’ll want minimal amounts of air or other things floating around to get inside. Wrap some saran wrap around it too to guarantee maximum freshness.

Pay Attention to Those Ingredients!

Ice creams that have more sugar in them will lose quality and freshness faster! Sugar is one of the first things to go and depresses the freezing point of ice cream making it harder to store at a temperature cold enough.

There’s no need to avoid the sugar all together – just keep it in mind when buying, storing, and enjoying!

Did You Make the Ice Cream Yourself?

Homemade ice cream goes bad faster than store-bought, mainly because store-bought ice cream has stabilizing ingredients in it that homemade ice cream doesn’t.

Don’t fret! This just means you need to enjoy your hard-earned sweet treats faster. Many experts recommend within 5 days, if you can even wait that long.

That’s it! Enjoy those flavors for us this sunny season, and let us know of any storage hacks you love for ice cream in the comments below!

Everything You Need to Know About Storing Specialty Items: 6 Ways to Protect Electronics

Alright, today we’re talking about storing and moving items that for some of you us the most expensive things we own. A lot of us acquire these and own more than one variety due to updates, the latest innovation, the latest trends, etc. Electronics.

These complicated pieces of machinery have come to play a significant role in many of our lives, so their care is of the utmost importance whether they’re waiting to be used or moving to a new location.

Unlike our clothing or shoes, we don’t exactly know what materials and components make up these electronic devices, and it can therefore be harder to know exactly how they should be cared for and maintained.

We’re here to set the record straight – and give you a short list of tips for caring for your electronics – in storage or during a move.

  1. Avoid Fluctuations in Temperature

One of the worst things for technology is extreme temperature. The expanding and contracting that can happen in very warm or cold environments, respectively, can irreversibly damage certain parts. Avoid either of these options if possible.  


This should be a consistent practice no matter what state of usage your technology is in, but ESPECIALLY before a big move. One drop from the mover and your memories could be lost forever. Trust us, take the time to back it up just in case.

3. Packaging

If you can, keep the original packaging that the device came in. There is nothing more protective than this, as it’s what the makers designed. However, if you can’t find the box or you threw it out – bubble wrap, moving blankets, and silica gel to keep everything in place should do the trick.

4. Extra Parts

You’ll want to remove anything extra and move/store it separately for best results. This includes chords, DVDs, CDs and other equipment that isn’t completely necessary in that moment. Color code the chords to keep them organized and designate various bins for everything else. Organization will keep everything easily accessible- and avoid anything getting damaged.

5. Dust, dust, dust

Dust is tricky – as its inevitable, but can also potentially harm your electronics if you’re not careful. When storing items, tape a paper towel or bubble wrap to all openings to keep dust from getting inside and eroding valuable pieces of the machinery. Try to dust things regularly when they’re sitting out, and make sure everything is tightly sealed before a move.

6. Security + Tracking

A move and storage can, sadly, bring about theft if you’re not careful. Place your most expensive items in unmarked boxes at the back of your unit to deter thieves, and bring valuable things with you, if possible, in a move rather than on the truck.

Make an inventory list of every piece of equipment before the move so you can check once you arrive and make sure nothing is missing.

It can take a bit of extra time – but spending that time now can save you a lot of heartache, hassle and stress later on! Avoid damage, theft and other undesirable results with a little extra effort – your electronics will thank you!